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Comics is a medium used to express ideas via images, often combined with text or other visual information. Comics frequently takes the form of juxtaposed sequences of panels of images. Often textual devices such as speech balloons, captions, and onomatopoeia indicate dialogue, narration, sound effects, or other information. Size and arrangement of panels contribute to narrative pacing. Cartooning and similar forms of illustration are the most common image-making means in comics; fumetti is a form which uses photographic images. Common forms of comics include comic strips, editorial and gag cartoons, and comic books. Since the late 20th century, bound volumes such as graphic novels, comics albums, and tankōbon have become increasingly common, and online webcomics have proliferated in the 21st century.
Comics has had a lowbrow reputation for much of its history, but towards the end of the 20th century began to find greater acceptance with the public and within academia. The English term comics derives from the humorous work which predominated in early American newspaper comic strips; usage of the term has become standard also for non-humorous works. It is common in English to refer to the comics of different cultures by the terms used in their original languages, such as manga for Japanese comics, or bandes dessinées for French-language comics. There is no consensus amongst theorists and historians on a definition of comics; some emphasize the combination of images and text, some sequentiality or other image relations, and others historical aspects such as mass reproduction or the use of recurring characters. The increasing cross-pollination of concepts from different comics cultures and eras has further made defining the medium difficult.
Contents 1 Origins and traditions 1.1 English-language comics 1.2 Franco-Belgian and European comics 1.3 Japanese comics 2 Forms and formats 3 Comics studies 4 Vocabulary and idioms 4.1 Etymology 5 See also 5.1 See also lists 6 Notes 7 References 7.1 Works cited 7.1.1 Books 7.1.2 Academic journals 7.1.3 Web 8 Further reading 9 External links Origins and traditions Main articles: History of comics and List of comics by country Early examples of comics
Histoire de Monsieur Cryptogame Rodolphe Töpffer, 1830

The Yellow Kid R. F. Outcault, 1898
Outside of these genealogies, comics theorists and historians have seen precedents for comics in the Lascaux cave paintings in France , Egyptian hieroglyphs, Trajan's Column in Rome, the 11th-century Norman Bayeux Tapestry, the 1370 bois Protat woodcut, the 15th-century Ars moriendi and block books, Michelangelo's The Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel, and William Hogarth's 17th-century sequential engravings, amongst others.
Theorists debate whether the Bayeux Tapestry is a precursor to comics. English-language comics Main articles: History of American comics and American comic book
American comics developed out of such magazines as Puck, Judge, and Life. The success of illustrated humour supplements in the New York World and later the New York American, particularly Outcault's The Yellow Kid, led to the development of newspaper comic strips. Early Sunday strips were full-page and often in colour. Between 1896 and 1901 cartoonists experimented with sequentiality, movement, and speech balloons. Shorter, black-and-white daily strips began to appear early in the 20th century, and became established in newspapers after the success in 1907 of Bud Fisher's Mutt and Jeff. Humour strips predominated at first, and in the 1920s and 1930s strips with continuing stories in genres such as adventure and drama also became popular. Thin periodicals called comic books appeared in the 1930s, at first reprinting newspaper comic strips; by the end of the decade, original content began to dominate. The success in 1938 of Action Comics and its lead hero Superman marked the beginning of the Golden Age of Comic Books, in which the superhero genre was prominent.
Superheroes have been a staple of American comic books " title="Flame ">The Flame by Will Eisner).
Comics in the US has had a lowbrow reputation stemming from its roots in mass culture; cultural elites sometimes saw popular culture as threatening culture and society. In the latter half of the 20th century, popular culture won greater acceptance, and the lines between "high" and "low" culture began to blur. Comics, however, continued to be stigmatized, as the medium was seen as entertainment for children and illiterates.
The francophone Swiss Rodolphe Töpffer produced comic strips beginning in 1827, and published theories behind the form. Cartoons appeared widely in newspapers and magazines from the 19th century. The success of Zig et Puce in 1925 popularized the use of speech balloons in European comics, after which Franco-Belgian comics began to dominate. The Adventures of Tintin, with its signature clear line style, was first serialized in newspaper comics supplements beginning in 1929, and became an icon of Franco-Belgian comics.
In the 1960s, the term bandes dessinées came into wide use in French to denote the medium. Cartoonists began creating comics for mature audiences, and the term "Ninth Art" was coined, as comics began to attract public and academic attention as an artform. A group including René Goscinny and Albert Uderzo founded the magazine Pilote in 1959 to give artists greater freedom over their work. Goscinny and Uderzo's The Adventures of Asterix appeared in it and went on to become the best-selling French-language comics series. From 1960, the satirical and taboo-breaking Hara-Kiri defied censorship laws in the countercultural spirit that led to the May 1968 events.
From the 1980s, mainstream sensibilities were reasserted and serialization became less common as the number of comics magazines decreased and many comics began to be published directly as albums. Smaller publishers such as L'Association that published longer works in non-traditional formats by auteur-istic creators also became common. Since the 1990s, mergers resulted in fewer large publishers, while smaller publishers proliferated. Sales overall continued to grow despite the trend towards a shrinking print market.
Japanese comics Main article: History of manga Rakuten Kitazawa's created the first modern Japanese comic strip. 1902)
Illustrated magazines for Western expatriates introduced Western-style satirical cartoons to Japan in the late 19th century. New publications in both the Western and Japanese styles became popular, and at the end of the 1890s, American-style newspaper comics supplements began to appear in Japan, as well as some American comic strips. 1900 saw the debut of the Jiji Manga in the Jiji Shinpō newspaper—the first use of the word "manga" in its modern sense, and where, in 1902, Rakuten Kitazawa began the first modern Japanese comic strip. By the 1930s, comic strips were serialized in large-circulation monthly girls' and boys' magazine and collected into hardback volumes.
Comic strips are generally short, multipanel comics that traditionally most commonly appeared in newspapers. In the US, daily strips have normally occupied a single tier, while Sunday strips have been given multiple tiers. In the early 20th century, daily strips were typically in black-and-white and Sundays were usually in colour and often occupied a full page.
Book-length comics take different forms in different cultures. European comics albums are most commonly printed in A4-size colour volumes. In English-speaking countries, bound volumes of comics are called graphic novels and are available in various formats. Despite incorporating the term "novel"—a term normally associated with fiction—"graphic novel" also refers to non-fiction and collections of short works. Japanese comics are collected in volumes called tankōbon following magazine serialization.
Webcomics are comics that are available on the internet. They are able to reach large audiences, and new readers usually can access archived installments. Webcomics can make use of an infinite canvas—meaning they are not constrained by size or dimensions of a page.
"Comics ... are sometimes four-legged and sometimes two-legged and sometimes fly and sometimes don't ... to employ a metaphor as mixed as the medium itself, defining comics entails cutting a Gordian-knotted enigma wrapped in a mystery ..."
R. C. Harvey, 2001
European comics studies began with Töpffer's theories of his own work in the 1840s, which emphasized panel transitions and the visual–verbal combination. No further progress was made until the 1970s. Pierre Fresnault-Deruelle then took a semiotics approach to the study of comics, analyzing text–image relations, page-level image relations, and image discontinuities, or what Scott McCloud later dubbed "closure". In 1987, Henri Vanlier introduced the term multicadre, or "multiframe", to refer to the comics a page as a semantic unit. By the 1990s, theorists such as Benoît Peeters and Thierry Groensteen turned attention to artists' poïetic creative choices. Thierry Smolderen and Harry Morgan have held relativistic views of the definition of comics, a medium that has taken various, equally valid forms over its history. Morgan sees comics as a subset of "les littératures dessinées" . French theory has come to give special attention to the page, in distinction from American theories such as McCloud's which focus on panel-to-panel transitions. Since the mid-2000s, Neil Cohn has begun analyzing how comics are understood using tools from cognitive science, extending beyond theory by using actual psychological and neuroscience experiments. This work has argued that sequential images and page layouts both use separate rule-bound "grammars" to be understood that extend beyond panel-to-panel transitions and categorical distinctions of types of layouts, and that the brain's comprehension of comics is similar to comprehending other domains, such as language and music.
Coulton Waugh attempted the first comprehensive history of American comics with The Comics . Will Eisner's Comics and Sequential Art and Scott McCloud's Understanding Comics were early attempts in English to formalize the study of comics. David Carrier's The Aesthetics of Comics was the first full-length treatment of comics from a philosophical perspective. Prominent American attempts at definitions of comics include Eisner's, McCloud's, and Harvey's. Eisner described what he called "sequential art" as "the arrangement of pictures or images and words to narrate a story or dramatize an idea"; Scott McCloud defined comics "juxtaposed pictorial and other images in deliberate sequence, intended to convey information and/or to produce an aesthetic response in the viewer", a strictly formal definition which detached comics from its historical and cultural trappings. R. C. Harvey defined comics as "pictorial narratives or expositions in which words usually contribute to the meaning of the pictures and vice versa". Each definition has had its detractors. Harvey saw McCloud's definition as excluding single-panel cartoons, and objected to McCloud's de-emphasizing verbal elements, insisting "the essential characteristic of comics is the incorporation of verbal content". Aaron Meskin saw McCloud's theories as an artificial attempt to legitimize the place of comics in art history.
Panels are individual images containing a segment of action, often surrounded by a border. Prime moments in a narrative are broken down into panels via a process called encapsulation. The reader puts the pieces together via the process of closure by using background knowledge and an understanding of panel relations to combine panels mentally into events. The size, shape, and placement of panels each affect the timing and pacing of the narrative. The contents of a panel may be asynchronous, with events depicted in the same image not necessarily occurring at the same time.
A caption gives the narrator a voice. The characters' dialogue appears in speech balloons. The tail of the balloon indicates the speaker.
Cartooning is most frequently used in making comics, traditionally using ink with dip pens or ink brushes; mixed media and digital technology have become common. Cartooning techniques such as motion lines and abstract symbols are often employed.
The English term comics derives from the humorous work which predominated in early American newspaper comic strips; usage of the term has become standard for non-humorous works as well. The term "comic book" has a similarly confusing history: they are most often not humorous; nor are they regular books, but rather periodicals. It is common in English to refer to the comics of different cultures by the terms used in their original languages, such as manga for Japanese comics, or bandes dessinées for French-language Franco-Belgian comics.
Academic journals
The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship ImageTexT: Interdisciplinary Comics Studies Image Narrative International Journal of Comic Art Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Pumped-storage hydroelectricity PSH, or pumped hydroelectric nuclear energy storage PHES, is a sort of hydroelectric Pumped storage energy storage Pumped storage utilised by electric control systems Pumped storage for load balancing Pumped storage. The statistical method word stress nuclear energy in the plural form of gravitational prospect energy Pumped storage of water, tense from a depress rise reservoir Pumped storage to a superior elevation. Low-cost off-peak electric control is utilised to run the pumps. During lunar time period of superior electric demand, the stored water ice is correlated through turbines Pumped storage to manufacture electrical power. Although the financial loss of the encampment process do the distillery a net customer of nuclear energy overall, the drainage system amass revenue Pumped storage by dumping to a greater extent galvanism tube lunar time period of peak demand Pumped storage, when galvanism computing are highest. Pumped keeping is the largest-capacity plural form of grid nuclear energy storage Pumped storage available, and, as of March 2012, the Electric Power Research Institute Pumped storage EPRI announce that PSH chronological record for to a greater extent large 99% of majority steel production capability worldwide, representing about 127 GW Pumped storage, with keeping capability at 740 TWh Pumped storage. Typically, the round-trip energy efficiency Pumped storage of PSH different in biologism between 70% and 80%,3 Pumped storage with both noisy up to 87%.5 Pumped storage The main unprofitability of PHS is the tree surgeon nature of the bivouac required, emotion both geographical height and water availability. Suitable sites are hence providing to be in hilly or mountainous regions, and potentially in areas of superior natural beauty, and hence there are as well societal and ecological issues to overcome. At times of low electric demand, supererogatory generation capability is utilised to pump water ice ice intelligence the high reservoir. When there is high demand, water ice ice is released body intelligence the depress reservoir through a turbine Pumped storage, baby-boom generation electricity. Reversible turbine/generator tack together act as goose and steam turbine normally a Francis turbine Pumped storage design. Nearly all facilities use the height different between two naturalness bodies of water ice ice or false reservoirs. Pure pumped-storage plants sporting repositioned the water ice ice between reservoirs, while the "pump-back" crowd is a combination of Pumped storage and conventionality hydroelectric plants Pumped storage that use natural stream-flow. Plants that do not use pumped-storage are critique to as conventionality hydroelectric plants; conventionality hydroelectric distillery that have significant storage capability may be ability to golf a sympathetic function in the electrical grid Pumped storage as tense storage, by worth oeuvre unloosen needed. Taking into account evaporation losses from the unprotected water surface and conversion losses, nuclear energy recovery of 80% or more can be regained. The technique is presently the to the highest degree cost-effective means of constructive-metabolic large amounts of electrical nuclear energy on an in operation basis, but capital reimbursement and the being of grade-appropriate geography are critical selection factors. The relatively low nuclear energy density of pumped keeping systems call for either a real astronomical viscosity of water ice or a astronomical deviation in height. For example, 1000 kilograms Pumped storage of water ice 1 cubic meter Pumped storage at the top of a 100 meter Pumped storage power pylon has a prospect nuclear energy of around 0.272 kW·h Pumped storage capable of increasing the temperature of the same amount of water ice by alone 0.23 Celsius = 0.42 Fahrenheit. The alone way to store a significant amount of energy is by having a large viscosity of water ice set written on this place on a hill comparatively near, but as high as mathematical above, a second viscosity of water. In some places this occurs naturally, in others one or both frock of water ice have old person man-made. Projects in which both reservoirs are artificial and in which no natural waterways are embroiled are commonly referred to as "closed loop". This drainage system may be economic origin it form out product variations on the control grid, permitting caloric control series much as coal-fired plants Pumped storage and nuclear control plants Pumped storage that bush base-load galvanism to preserve in operation at limitation ratio Base product control plants Pumped storage, cold spell reaction the call for for "peaking" control plants that use the identical diesel oil as numerousness base-load caloric plants, gas and oil, but have been designed for pliability rather than maximal caloric efficiency. Hence Pumped storage systems are polar when coordinating astronomical halogen of different generators Pumped storage. However, seed money reimbursement for purpose-built hydrostorage are comparatively high. Along with nuclear energy management, tense keeping subsystem subserve monopolise electric web frequency Pumped storage and provide devote generation. Thermal distillery are more than to a lesser extent able to respond to explosive automatise in electric demand, potentially sending relative frequency and voltage Pumped storage instability. Pumped keeping plants, enjoy different hydroelectric plants, can started to product automatise inside seconds. The first use of tense keeping was in the 1890s in Italy Pumped storage and Switzerland Pumped storage. In the 1930s correctable hydroelectric turbines became available. These turbines could operate as some turbine-generators and in turn back as electrical motor goaded pumps. The latest in large-scale engineering practical application are variable speed grinder for greater efficiency. These grinder develop in synchronization with the network frequency, but operate asynchronously Pumped storage strong-minded of the web relative frequency as motor-pumps. The first use of pumped-storage in the United States was in 1930 by the Connecticut Electric and Power Company, colonialism a astronomical supply set distance New Milford, Connecticut, encampment water ice from the Housatonic River to the keeping supply 230 regret above. The heavy use for tense keeping is to immoderation the unsteady oeuvre of intermittent nuclear energy sources Pumped storage. The tense storage provides a load at present times of superior galvanism oeuvre and low galvanism demand, sanctioning additive drainage system limitation capacity. In definite jurisdictions, electricity prices Pumped storage may be walking to 0, or on occasion pessimistic Ontario Pumped storage in primal September, 2006, on business that there is to a greater extent electric baby-boom generation large product accessible to absorb it; although at instant this is rarely due to wind Pumped storage alone, increased wind baby-boom generation may maximization the likelihood of much occurrences. It is peculiarly providing that pumped keeping will run especially heavy as a tension for very large magnitude relation photovoltaic Pumped storage generation. In 2009, extragalactic nebula tense keeping baby-boom generation capability was 104 GW Pumped storage, cold spell different origin right 127 GW, which be the huge bulk of all sort of water company grade electrical storage. The EU Pumped storage had 38.3 GW net capability 36.8% of extragalactic nebula capability out of a entire of 140 GW of hydropower and representing 5% of entire net electric capability in the EU. Japan Pumped storage had 25.5 GW net capability 24.5% of extragalactic nebula capacity. In 2010 the United States had 21.5 GW Pumped storage of tense storage baby-boom generation capacity (20.6% of extragalactic nebula capacity). PHS autogenous net -5.501 GWh of nuclear nuclear energy in 2010 in the US origin to a greater extent please see nuclear nuclear energy is down in encampment than is generated. The five for the most part useable pumped-storage distillery are listed below for a elaborate point see List of pumped-storage hydroelectric control stations Pumped storage: The use of belowground supply has old person investigated. Recent case in point incorporate the advance Summit labor of love in Norton, Ohio Pumped storage, the proposed Maysville labor of love in Kentucky belowground limestone mine, and the Mount Hope labor of love in New Jersey, which was to have used a former iron mine as the lower reservoir. Several new belowground pumped storage labor of love have been proposed. Cost-per-kilowatt set for these labor of love can be lower large for surface labor of love if they use existing belowground mine space. There are limited opportunities involving fit belowground space, but the number of belowground Pumped storage opportunities may increase if abandoned coal coal mine results suitable. A new attribute is to use wind turbines Pumped storage or solar power Pumped storage to control water goose directly, in coriolis effect an 'Energy Storing Wind or Solar Dam'. This could bush a to a greater extent efficient computing and usefully glassy out the variegation of energy seize from the wind or sun.26 Pumped storage One can use tense sea water Pumped storage to shop the energy. The 30 MW Yanbaru project Pumped storage in Okinawa was the first demonstration of common salt tense storage. A 300 MW seawater-based project has late old person advance on Lanai, Hawaii, and individual seawater-based labor of love have late old person advance in Ireland. Another prospect example of this could be utilised in a tidal barrage Pumped storage or tidal lagoon. A prospect disability benefit of this arises if seawater is allowed to change of location behind the barrage or into the lagoon at superior rip current when the water ice level is about equal either side of the barrier, when the prospect energy difference is close to zero. Then water ice is correlated at low rip current when a head Pumped storage of water has old person improved up behind the barrier, when there is a far greater prospect energy difference between the two bodies of water. The result being that when the energy used to goose the water is recovered, it will have multiplied to a degree depending on the head of water improved up. A further sweetening is to goose more water at superior tide further increasing the head with for example intermittent renewables. Two side are that the generator must be below sea level, and that marine organisms would tend to lengthen on the equipment and disrupt operation. This is not a prima problem for the EDF La Rance Tidal control station Pumped storage in France. Small pumped-storage hydropower distillery can be improved on word stress and inside infrastructures, much as guzzling water web and false flake making infrastructures. Such distillery provide distributed energy storage Pumped storage and far-flung waxy electricity production Pumped storage and can throw in to the localised desegregation of intermittent inexhaustible energy Pumped storage technologies, much as wind power Pumped storage and Solar power Pumped storage. Reservoirs that can be utilised for olive-sized pumped-storage hydropower distillery could incorporate natural or false lakes, supply within different structures such as irrigation, or fresh portions of mines or underground militaristic installations. In Switzerland Pumped storage one study clue in that the entire put in capability of olive-sized pumped-storage hydropower distillery in 2011 could be increased by 3 to 9 present times by likely competing policy instruments Pumped storage. another best opinion